Looking to innovate your products,

upgrade your marketing and expand your business?

Need to enhance your organisational performance?

Across is there to support you to achieve your goals.

We create an eco-system around your business-needs so that you can find scalable, practical solutions and improve your performance.

It is our task to enhance your business and to enhance your product.

In order to do so, we are continuously searching for alternative partners that support your case, for high-quality products and technical innovations that answer the questions from today ànd tomorrow

Across-consult is a certified company ISO9001 and proud to be partner of the We Create Change Group


This group is an international working group with a wide range of expertise in business consultancy, technology, design and packaging.

Your helping hands in the process of any change you may require.

Whether you desire to change materials, change suppliers or take the first step to sustainability, the members guide you every step of the way to achieve your goals: enabling a smooth and cost-efficient transition.

Stationed throughout the world in countries including Switzerland, The Netherlands, Spain, Ireland and China.